Sunday, February 13, 2011

If they were still alive.... would be the birthday of:

Grant Wood would be 119.  He was, of course, most known for his famed painting, American Gothic (1930), now at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Legendary Russian basso-profundo Feodor Chaliapin would be 138.  Considered by many to be the greatest bass in operatic history.

Oliver Reed would be 74 today.  Hard-living, über-macho British leading man of the 1960's-70's, perhaps best remembered for his role in Ken Russell's Women in Love, which shocked 1969 filmgoers with his extended nude wrestling scene with Alan Bates.


And a happy birthday--78 candles--to the still-gorgeous Kim Novak.  She is a highly-underrated actress, and was a true "movie star," back when that term meant something...check her out in Vertigo, Pal Joey or Bell, Book and Candle.  Her stunning beauty sort of nullified her real acting talent....but this lady could act! 

And Kim in recent years...(2004)...along with an interesting interview she gave last year:


  1. PVC pipes are extensively used for domestic and commercial water supply systems due to their durability and ability to handle water pressure efficiently. These pipes are commonly used in sewage and ppr pipes in Egypt systems because of their resistance to the chemicals found in waste and their ability to withstand environmental stresses.

  2. Machine Room-Less (MRL) Elevators:
    Mechanism: Similar to traction elevators but without a dedicated machine room. The machinery is housed within the hoistway.
    Speed: Comparable to standard traction elevators.
    Use Case: Often used in mid-rise buildings where Elevator spare parts companies in Egypt is limited.
    Advantages: Space-saving design, energy-efficient, and can be installed in buildings with limited space for a machine room.
    4. Pneumatic Elevators:
    Mechanism: Operates using air pressure and a vacuum system to lift and lower the cabin.
    Speed: Lower speeds suitable for residential use.
    Use Case: Popular in residential buildings and homes due to their minimal structural requirements.
    Advantages: Easy installation, no pit or machine room required, and aesthetically pleasing.
