Friday, February 4, 2011

Seat hogs, beware! You are being watched!

Seat Hogger Clutches Briefcase While Others Nervously Stand

Many local New Yorkers (not to mention tourists) are unaware--or would claim to be unaware--that it's actually illegal to take up more than one seat on a city subway or bus.  If you're caught with your bag on a seat, no matter if the bus/car is empty, you are liable for a $50 violation.  Between January and November of last year, the NYPD issued more than 8,700 summonses for violating this rule, up 17% over the previous year.  Punishable offenses include sprawling out on more than one seat, using a seat as a personal luggage rack, as well as putting feet up on adjacent seats.  Anyone who has been on a crowded train, where a selfish fellow passenger is taking up two, or even three seats, is likely to applaud the enforcement of this statute.  There is even a website--a rather amusing one--that offers photographs of offending passengers, along with snarky comments, and the capability for readers to rate the egregiousness of the passenger's offense.  It's mostly New York, but not always...they have offensive photos from all over the world. It's called .  Here are a few of their posted photos.  So, beware:  If you decide to make the subway your bed, it's gonna cost ya....:

This Sophisticated Man Just Needed A Second To Regain His Composure

The site isn't just limited to seat hogs...they're also pretty rough on people caught on their fat asses while handicapped/elderly people are standing in plain this selfish slob....

And if has gotten you so fired up that you want to see more--on a related topic, go directly to , which is the same idea, except it's photos of slovenly passengers eating on the subway (see above).