Saturday, February 5, 2011

Remembering Super Bowl 2004: Janet Jackson & Nipplegate

Seems like it was longer than 7 years ago, somehow...when America was positively SCANDALIZED by Justin Timberlake ripping Janet Jackson's bodice to reveal her bejeweled booby, live, on national TV at Super Bowl XXXVIII, 2004.  Looking at the footage today--or, I thought, even then--it was much hoo-ha over nothing.  The only thing "scandalous," I thought, was all the coverup and denial from all corners.  Janet famously claimed it was a "wardrobe malfunction," a phrase which has since seemingly entered the American lexicon for permanent.   Justin Timberlake has obviously taken acting lessons since then, as his innocent claims of not knowing what was going on were so lame!  And what seemed to confuse most viewers was....what was that starburst thing on her boob all about??  How was it attached?  It looked like it hurt! In any case, the fallout from CBS (which aired Nipplegate) was swift and furious.  They don't like renegade performers who mess with their "family audience".  Ever since, the Super Bowl halftime shows have been pretty tame, and if someone were to decide to "go rogue" all of a sudden, CBS has their 6-second taped delay well in hand.  So, as you're getting ready to face Super Bowl XLV, sit back and watch Janet and Justin, and try to figure out what all the hubbub was about.

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