Wednesday, February 16, 2011

If they were still alive....

Today, the following notables would be celebrating their birthday:

Katharine Cornell
"The First Lady of American Theatre," Katharine Cornell would be 113.

Famed ventriloquist Edgar Bergen would be 108.  Bergen was enormously successful as a radio ventriloquist (an odd, sort of oxymoronic position, right?).  But with his huge radio popularity, he went on to make several films and live appearances with some of his puppet alter-egos.  The strange thing is, he made no attempt to hide the movement of his's kind of bizarre to watch today...I mean NO attempt.  I wonder if he'd be booed off the stage of America's Got Talent today?

Hugh Beaumont, everybody's perfect dad, "Ward Cleaver" of Leave It to Beaver fame would be 102.

Graceful and lovely film dance star of the 40's and 50's, Vera-Ellen would be 90.

Sonny Bono of "Sonny and Cher" fame was born 76 years ago in Detroit. (Here he is with Cher and little Chaz):


Patty Andrews, the last living "Andrews Sister" is 93 today (Maxine and LaVerne have gone to their maker).  She was sometimes known as "the pretty one" (poor LaVerne was once unfavorably compared to "Abe Lincoln in drag").  And the sisters couldn't stand each other, either....but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PATTY!  (that's Patty in the middle singing lead).